Lem me try if you could follow this procedure:
1. Open the web page, File / Save As , save the source code to your PC, some where like c:\ , name the file like temp.html
2. Open a cmd screen, (Start / Run , type cmd, [ENTER], a cmd screen will pop up.
3. Locate to the file location: type c: [ENTER] , (or cd the_file_path).
4. Type find "" temp.html > download.asx
5. Open lownload.asx in a text editor (UltraEdit-32 is perfect, if you don't have, use Notepad).
6. Delete first two lines.
7. Edit / Replace, copy from first line start from space until href=", paste it into Find what: , put nothing in Replace with:
(with nothing)
Click Replace All
8. Same as 7, replace " with nothing
9. Save file. This is a ready asx file.
10. Move download.asx file to your web server root, use Net Transport download this file. Then all files which listed in the download.asx file will automatic be downloaded.
For the question if you want skip some song, then just edit the download.asx file, delete the line which the song you don't want.
Actually, if you know DOS command, I wrote too much.