
Dearest BeingWithU:
DSLA告訴我就是把那張Pass Certificate & Provisional License 寄給他們就行啦。
我已經寄出去啦,我想我很快就可以我那漂亮的photocard license 啦。;)

《Healing Angel》(心療天使)是女演員Roma Downey和凱爾特藝術大師Phil Coulter(菲爾.柯爾特)共同完成的。整張專輯的15首音樂基本都是在Phil Coulter的動聽的音樂烘托下,加上Roma Downey的述說而成的,給聽者另一種感受。在Roma Downey述說著關於生命、精神和生活中,來安撫你的心靈。真是好聽呀!

... ...

To be in love
however briefly
is to be truly wonderfully alive
never to have loved is
to leave the map of your soul unchartered, unexplored
but be aware before embarking on
your heart's voyage of discovery
that there will be stormy seas
and troubled waters

before you reach the island paradise of your dreams
you can not know the ecstasys of
loving without having suffered its agonys
only when you have waited cold and lonely
throughout the hours of night
will you truly silver the morning sun
feeling the warmth caress your body
and before you can fly like
an eagle high and free in the endless blue sky
you must know what it is to be helpless,
hopeless, lost and grounded
... ...
