補充一句,智慧永遠是痛苦的, 智者永遠是孤獨的. 這是人類理性永恒的二律背反.
肖兄好!很欣賞那段關於孤獨的議論. 補充一句,智慧永遠是痛苦的, 智者
• Sorry! Thought the first one did not get out, had to send anther -供你參考- ♀ (62 bytes) () 02/04/2006 postreply 14:47:51
• 鄭板橋的難得胡塗難得啊! -KSF- ♂ (0 bytes) () 02/04/2006 postreply 16:28:15
• 送KSF兄. Tried to copy the article here but couldn't. -供你參考- ♀ (188 bytes) () 02/04/2006 postreply 18:09:23
• 精辟之文也!雖賦與以官場,卻民可借為用之!謝謝參考兄! -ksf- ♂ (69 bytes) () 02/04/2006 postreply 19:42:11
• 參考兄啊,智者是孤獨的俺理解可為什麽是痛苦的?還永遠? -書童- ♂ (0 bytes) () 02/04/2006 postreply 18:36:39