So deeply touched!!!

來源: silly-kitt 2005-10-21 23:29:14 [] [博客] [舊帖] [給我悄悄話] 本文已被閱讀: 次 (1445 bytes)
本文內容已被 [ silly-kitt ] 在 2005-10-23 22:36:18 編輯過。如有問題,請報告版主或論壇管理刪除.

I must say that this is almost the last post that I turned to--I read posts from behind to front--and I was so truly greatly amazed by its beauty--from the music you selected to the design and also, to the explainations!

All the music is so familiar to me,indeed. Upon hearing the first several pieces I almost burst into tears, as they are absolutely my long-time favorites, which I guess I haven't heard for a long time,though. Didn't know why;maybe,I'm just too lazy.

Now I feel like that a soft hand is touching the deepest part of my heart and my mind, and I can feel something very warm is flowing all over my body. I am just speechless at this very moment,facing such great sound. Now the Guitar is being played on and the sound is so wonderful!!! I almost leave my seat and dance!

My heart is now so strongly stirred that I could even hardly breathe evenly. The music has brought me back to all those beautiful days I was from!

Yesterday once more. Now.

Love it! Love this post! Love all the music you selected!

In fact, I don't even know how to express my deepest feelings in words! Just wanted to thank you again and again and again!

I do think that the post is a big bless to me at this very night, and on this very weekend!

Thanks, dear friend! May God bless you for everything you have done so generously!

Goodnite and good dreams!



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