which part is 原創?

來源: Joking?? 2005-07-02 11:55:09 [] [舊帖] [給我悄悄話] 本文已被閱讀: 次 (453 bytes)
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回答: 很漂亮好好改造2005-07-02 11:16:42
you did not sing the song, you did write the lyrics, you did not draw the pictures, you did not create flashes, you did not make the softwares that make your picture looking like moving and make your post beautiful, you did not invent computer, you are not the first one who use letters or characters,etc.

Even what you said "這可是原創哦:)" is not original as far as I know.

so which par is 原創???????



flash(大的)是我做的,畫框是我畫的,組合是我搞的,音樂 -啄木鳥- 給 啄木鳥 發送悄悄話 (119 bytes) () 07/02/2005 postreply 12:28:58

補充!水波流動和頭發飄動不是用java applet作的! -啄木鳥- 給 啄木鳥 發送悄悄話 (62 bytes) () 07/02/2005 postreply 12:43:28

You did great! -justjoking- 給 justjoking 發送悄悄話 (61 bytes) () 07/02/2005 postreply 16:22:26

:))) -啄木鳥- 給 啄木鳥 發送悄悄話 (0 bytes) () 07/02/2005 postreply 17:53:23



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