All You Want - Dido

來源: avocado.. 2005-05-20 20:30:16 [] [舊帖] [給我悄悄話] 本文已被閱讀: 次 (1645 bytes)
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I'd like to watch you sleep at night
To hear you breathe by my side
And although sleep leaves me behind
There's nowhere I'd rather be
And now our bed is oh so cold
My hands feel empty
No one to hold
And I can sleep what side I want
It's not the same with you gone

Oh, if you'd come home
I'll let you know that
All you want
Is right here in this room
All you want
And all you need
Is sitting here with you
All you want

It's been three years
One night apart
But in that night you tore my heart
If only you had slept alone
If those seeds had not been sown
Oh you could come home
And you would know that

All you want
Is right here in this room
All you want
And all you need is sitting here with you
All you want

I hear your key turning in the door
I won't be hearing that sound anymore
And you and your sin
Can leave the way you just came in
Send my regards to her
I hope you find that......

All you want
Is right there in that room
All you want
And all you need is sitting there with you
All you want

I'd like to watch you sleep at night
To hear you breathe by my side


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