
專家警告往廢棄燃料棒上澆水可能使之進入臨界狀態,引發更大核災難。 http://www.reuters.com/article/2011/03/16/us-japan-nuclear-pool-idUSTRE72F8VN20110316?pageNumber=2

Arnie Gundersen, a 29-year veteran of the nuclear industry who has worked on reactors similar to the Daiichi plant and is now chief engineer at Fairewinds Associates Inc, warned that dropping water on the spent fuel pool could make matters worse.


"It's a bad idea to drop water onto the fuel racks. You could get an inadvertent criticality. That means you could have a nuclear reaction, similar to that in a reactor core, in the fuel pool," Gundersen said.
