Heard on Radio

回答: F22又一個阿波羅登月似的謊言 zt一心鋤禾2009-07-21 21:35:46

I heard on PBR radio this morning that a Chinese space scientist at Chinese Science Academy said the payload capacity of US racket used for the Appolo project was 125 tons. The maximum payload of the most advanced Chinese rocket is 25 tons now. The difference in space programs between the two countries is about 50 years.

We have to realize the gap but also see the advances made already. We also need to know what China was 60 years ago.


Appolo project was 125 tons -Northstar_V8- 給 Northstar_V8 發送悄悄話 (0 bytes) () 07/22/2009 postreply 11:21:29
