
來源: 唵啊吽 2023-09-10 13:59:49 [] [博客] [舊帖] [給我悄悄話] 本文已被閱讀: 次 (433105 bytes)

人們去便利店購買垃圾食品,因為它簡單、便宜而且富含糖分。People go to convenience stores to buy junk food because it’s easy and cheap and full of sugar.

 信息怎麽樣? How about information?

 對於大多數人來說,主流媒體是信息便利店。沒有大驚小怪或麻煩——即使這些信息是垃圾也沒關係——特別是如果這些信息是關於其他國家(也可能是其他星球)正在發生的事情。   For most people the mainstream media are informational convenience stores.  There is no fuss or bother–and it doesn’t matter if the information is junk – especially if that information is about what’s happening in other countries, which might as well be other planets. 

最近剛剛發生了一個很好的例子。A good example just happened recently.

一枚導彈擊中了烏克蘭占領的康斯坦丁諾夫卡鎮的市場,造成至少 18 人死亡、多人受傷。A missile hit the marketplace in the Ukrainian occupied town of Konstantinovka killing at least 18 people and wounding others.

《紐約時報》、《華盛頓郵報》、CNN以及BBC、CBC等西方媒體立即紛紛指責俄羅斯。The Western media, including the New York Times and Washington Post and CNN and others such as the BBC and CBC, all immediately blamed Russia.

“俄羅斯做到了”!“Russia done it”!

 “普京做到了!”“Putin done it!”

但幾乎立即可用的證據表明,這枚導彈來自西北地區But the evidence – which was almost immediately available – indicates that the missile came from the Northwest, 該地區實際上被稱為which is occupied by what really should be called 納粹Nazi烏克蘭,這是對南部平民中心進行多次導彈襲擊的發射點。法醫證據表明鎢碎片和彈片來自美國提供的 HARM 導彈。正如我所說,媒體打包垃圾信息。仔細閱讀標簽,看看你的思想是如何被毒害的。 Ukraine – the launching point for a lot of missile strikes on civilian centers to the south. Forensic evidence indicates tungsten fragments and shrapnel from a US supplied HARM missile.  As I said, the media package junk information.  Read the labels carefully to see how your mind is being poisoned.


當然,每一篇主流媒體的文章都會引用“專家”的話——那些屁股上紋著哈佛大學的家夥——他們有小生皮袋骨頭可以鋪在泥土裏並表達他們的觀點。他們在被稱為華盛頓特區的新奧林匹斯山上直接與眾神交談。Of course, each mainstream media article will quote “experts” – the guys with Harvard University tattooed on their asses --who have little rawhide bags of bones to spread out in the dirt and inform their opinions. They speak to the gods directly in the new Olympus known as Washington DC.

專家意見是一種傳統——正如“四分之三的醫生推薦幸運罷工”。Expert opinion is a tradition — as in “three out of four doctors recommend Lucky Strikes”.

“所有專家都為國家和媒體服務,隻有這樣他們才能獲得地位。每個專家都跟隨他的主人,因為以前所有獨立的可能性都已被當今社會的組織模式逐漸減少到零。當然,最有用的專家是會說謊的專家。”“All experts serve the state and the media and only in that way do they achieve their status. Every expert follows his master, for all former possibilities for independence have been gradually reduced to nil by present society’s mode of organisation. The most useful expert, of course, is the one who can lie.”

蓋伊·德波 (Guy Debord) 對景觀社會的評論Guy Debord    Comments on the Society of the Spectacle

但這些事情對普通人來說有什麽意義呢?康斯坦丁諾夫卡?誰能說出這個名字?But what do such things matter to the average person? Konstantinovka? Who can even pronounce the name? Who 在乎呢cares?  

嗯,Well , you 應該關心。這是一場進展緩慢、混合性的世界大戰,隨著我們所謂的文明的衰落,它正在以多種方式逐漸影響我們所有人,主要是經濟方麵,但也包括社會和健康方麵。你的孩子能活到 40 歲就已經很幸運了。should care. This is a slow moving, hybrid world war – and it is affecting all of us gradually in many ways, largely economically, but also socially, and healthwise, as our civilization – so-called – declines.  Your kids will be lucky to survive to the age of 40.

換句話說,如果你相信謊言,In other words, if you believe the lies, you 就是問題的一部分,也許是主要部分。are part of the problem, maybe the main part.

文明崩潰Civilization collapsing


也就是說,當一個文明正在崩潰時,人們開始注意到事情不太對勁,這意味著對社會秩序的最大威脅來自內部。突然之間,人們開始感到他們的舒適區變得越來越窄,越來越不舒服。 That said, when a civilization is collapsing, and people start to notice things aren't quite right which means the biggest threat to social order is from within.  All of a sudden people start to feel their comfort zone getting narrower and less comfortable.

當沙發倒塌時,沙發土豆會做什麽?我想這取決於電視上的內容。沒有電視?啤酒沒了?你的屁股有彈簧嗎?突然有憤怒。初生的憤怒。斷頭台在哪裏?What do couch potatoes do when the couch collapses? I guess it depends on what’s on TV.  No TV?  Out of beer? Do you have a spring up your ass? Suddenly there is anger. Inchoate anger. Where’s the guillotine?

今天,媒體向我們講述故事的方式表明我們的文明正變得絕望。Today, the way the media is telling us stories shows our civilization is getting desperate.

如果你撒一個足夠大的謊言並不斷重複,人們最終會相信它。隻有當國家能夠保護人民免受謊言的政治、經濟和/或軍事後果時,謊言才能維持。因此,對於國家來說,使用其所有權力鎮壓異議變得至關重要,因為真相是謊言的死敵,因此推而廣之,真相是國家最大的敵人。If you tell a lie big enough and keep repeating it, people will eventually come to believe it. The lie can be maintained only for such time as the State can shield the people from the political, economic and/or military consequences of the lie. It thus becomes vitally important for the State to use all of its powers to repress dissent, for the truth is the mortal enemy of the lie, and thus by extension, the truth is the greatest enemy of the State.

這句話通常被認為是This quotation is usually attributed to戈培爾的作品—— 盡管沒有證據證明這一點。這句話是誰說的並不重要——它仍然表達了一個相關的現實,至少對於日益衰弱的美利堅合眾國來說是這樣。 Goebbels – although there is no proof of that. It doesn’t matter who said it – it still expresses a pertinent reality, at least for the increasingly less United States of America.

主流媒體試圖創造一個另類的世界,因為我們的世界就像那張破沙發。烏克蘭存在於另一個地球的另一個維度。“我們的專家”有大量的骨頭來證明這一點。就像在中世紀一樣,你The mainstream media seek to create an alternative world since ours is like that broken couch. Ukraine exists in another dimension on another earth.  “Our experts” have bags of bones to prove it.  As in the time of the Middle Ages, you 想要want 相信,如果你不願意,你也to believe and, if you don’t want to, you 必須相信must.

如果你願意,你可以提出異議——但如果不被嘲笑,你就會被邊緣化,或者可能隻是被忽視。如果你幸運的話。You can dissent if you like – but you will be marginalized if not ridiculed, or maybe just ignored. If you are lucky.

 如果你像朱利安·阿桑奇、唐納德·特朗普或 1 月 6 日首都“起義”慶祝活動的領導人那樣設法獲得任何程度的關注,那次活動不像佛羅裏達州的春假那樣發生騷亂,那麽你可能會因非常非常嚴重的罪名被送進監獄。很久。如果可以的話,他們會把你燒死在火刑柱上。謝謝*Starlink,您住在美利堅合眾國。如果你住在另一個國家,你可能會被暗殺或被無人機殺死。   If you manage to get any degree of attention as Julian Assange did or Donald Trump or the leaders of the January 6 capital “insurrection” festivities, which were less of a riot than spring break in Florida, you can be sent to prison for very very long time.  They would burn you at the stake – if they could. Thank you*Starlink that you live in the United States of America. If you live in another country, you will probably just be assassinated or droned to death.  

因此,你必須假設,你在主流媒體上讀到的有關烏克蘭戰爭、俄羅斯或中國的任何內容都是誤導、錯誤信息或虛假信息——簡單地說,都是It follows you must assume that whatever you read in the mainstream media about the war in Ukraine or about Russia or China is misdirection, misinformation, or disinformation – is simply put, a 謊言lie。  .  

由此可見,你應該It also follows that you should be 小心careful自己所說的話以及對誰說的話。 what you say and to whom.

在犯罪社會裏,說出真相就是犯罪。In a criminal society, the truth is a crime.

大規模欺騙的武器Weapons of mass deception


康斯坦丁諾夫卡隻是大規模欺騙模式的最新例子。Konstantinovka is just the most recent example part of a pattern of mass deception.

例如,自從烏克蘭的反攻開始以來,我們被告知烏克蘭人正在取得進展——最近一次是“突破”——但事實並非如此。  For example, since the counteroffensive in Ukraine began, we have been told that the Ukrainians are making progress-- most recently a “breakthrough” – which it is not. 

納粹分子,也被稱為西烏克蘭人,正在失去人員——The Nazis, also known as Western Ukrainians, are just losing men - 數千thousands 人。美國經濟靠的不是石油或天然氣,而是of them.  The American economy does not run on oil or gas – it runs on 血液blood.

 烏克蘭軍隊正在托克馬克市附近的一塊楔形土地上攻擊俄羅斯的防禦工事。但在他們到達這座城市之前,他們必須占領Robotnye。不幸的是,該村莊地勢較低,俄羅斯人已撤退到附近的高地,向下麵的人開火。烏克蘭人仍然陷入困境。地圖上的紅線表示烏克蘭人尚未攻擊的主要防線。 Ukrainian forces are attacking Russian defenses in a wedge of land close to the heavily fortified city of Tokmak.  But before they can reach this city, they must take Robotnye.  Unfortunately, the village is on low ground and the Russians have retreated to high ground nearby to fire down on those below.  The Ukrainians are still bogged down.  The redlines in the map indicate main defense lines which the Ukrainians have yet to attack.



正如您所看到的,Robotyne 中的防禦並不是真正的第一道防線。它們也不像主要防線那麽複雜。這些炸彈實際上位於托克馬克方向布滿地雷的開闊田野上,位於山上,以便更好地屠殺襲擊者。As you can see, the defenses in Robotyne are not really the first line of defenses. They are also not as sophisticated as the primary defense lines.   Those actually lie across open fields seeded with mines in the direction of Tokmak, situated on the hills to better slaughter attackers.


為了進攻托克馬克,烏克蘭人不僅必須奪取羅布涅,還要奪取韋爾博沃耶村。他們嚐試過但沒有成功,所以他們暫時被困在這個壁架或楔子上。事實上,該地區相對薄弱的防禦是一個陷阱、誘餌,目的是說服烏克蘭人將大量人員和武器投入到容易被摧毀的地方。這就是To attack Tokmak, the Ukrainians must not only take Robotnye but also the village of Verbovoye.  They have tried but unsuccessfully so they are stuck on this ledge or wedge for the time being.  In fact, the relatively weak defenses in this area are a trap, bait, to persuade Ukrainians to commit large numbers of men and weaponry where they can be easily destroyed.  This is 斯維欽的“戰術防禦”概念的Svechin’s concept of “tactical defense”實際運用…… In action…

請注意,烏克蘭人占據著較低的海拔;俄羅斯人海拔較高,利用地形優勢。所以對於烏克蘭人來說,這確實是一場艱苦的戰鬥。Note that the Ukrainians occupy the lower elevations; the Russians, the higher elevations, taking advantage of topography. So for the Ukrainians, it is truly an uphill battle.

烏克蘭人會失去多少男人?有多少輛坦克?挑戰者有多少?第二輛挑戰者坦克現已在該地區被摧毀。有多少裝甲車?還有槍?How many men can Ukrainians lose?  How many tanks? How many Challengers? A second Challenger tank is now claim destroyed in the area. How many armored vehicles? And guns?



然而,澤倫斯基仍在試圖奪回巴赫穆特,但沒有成功,同時,他也損失了更多的人——整個旅。Yet Zelensky is still trying – unsuccessfully – to retake Bakhmut At the same time, losing more men—entire brigades.

這是一場令人震驚的混亂——所以主流媒體會讓你相信勝利指日可待。西方國家並沒有人真正關心這一點。正如我所說,美國經濟靠血液運轉。It is an egregious fuck up – so the mainstream media will have you believe that victory is just within reach.  Not that anyone in the West really cares.  As I said, the US economy runs on blood.

但真相卻泄露了。或者你可能會說But truth leaks. or you might say 流血bleeds.

媒體現在必須承認烏克蘭的損失,這要求他們通過巧妙地扭曲統計數據來撒謊,因此看起來烏克蘭人 The media now have to acknowledge Ukrainian losses, which requires them to lie by artfully twisting statistics, so it seems Ukrainians are winning 盡管despite 傷亡卻正在獲勝。  their casualties. 

關於烏克蘭衝突,最常被引用的數字是雙方損失了 50 萬人。  The most quoted figure for Ukrainian conflict is 500,000 men lost on both sides. 

這應該主要是俄羅斯人,但事實上,烏克蘭人每損失一名俄羅斯士兵就會損失十名士兵——這要歸功於俄羅斯在空中力量、無人機力量,尤其是火炮方麵的壓倒性優勢。  This is supposed to be mostly Russians when in fact the Ukrainians are losing 10 men for every single Russian soldier– thanks to Russia’s overwhelming superiority in airpower, drone power, and especially artillery. 

“500,000”當然是指“傷亡人員”——不僅僅是起亞航空——還包括失蹤人員和受傷人員。That “500,000” of course refers to “casualties’ – not just KIA– but MIA and wounded also.

Some of the Western media such as 《商業內幕》Business Insider等一些西方媒體堅稱烏克蘭的醫療服務比俄羅斯的醫療服務更優秀,但這隻是宣傳。如果你仔細觀察,你會發現其他文章——甚至在西方媒體上——的說法恰恰相反。 insist that Ukrainian medical services are excellent compared to Russian medical services – but this is just propaganda. If you look carefully, you will find other articles-- even in the Western media-- which say the opposite.

事實上,一名在行動中受傷的烏克蘭士兵有 50% 的幾率在第一個小時內死亡——因此受傷通常並不意味著立即死亡。In fact, a Ukrainian soldier wounded in action has a 50% chance of dying in the first hour – so injured often means not immediately dead.

相比之下,俄羅斯士兵在By contrast, Russian soldiers have a 90% chance of 戰場受傷後生還的幾率為 90%。surviving 他們10分鍾內獲得戰地藥品,1小時內到達醫??院。所有跡象都表明他們在這一領域有著極好的記錄。你讀到的關於俄羅斯在戰場上救治傷員方麵的不足的故事隻是烏克蘭的報道的改編。a battlefield injury. They get battlefield medicine in 10 minutes and reach hospitals in an hour. All indications are that they have a simply superb record in this area.  The stories you read about Russian inadequacy in tending to its wounded on the battlefield are just repurposed accounts from the Ukraine.

到了某個時候,烏克蘭人將失去如此多的人員,以至於目前的接觸線將因缺乏保衛烏克蘭方麵的人力而向北移動。俄羅斯將以最少的人力和其他資源支出控製整個頓巴斯,可能還有哈爾科夫。At some point Ukrainians will have lost so many men that the current line of contact will just move north for lack of manpower to defend the Ukrainian side. Russia will control all of the Donbas and probably Kharkov, with minimal expenditure of human and other resources.

烏克蘭人將無法保衛基輔或西烏克蘭南部,將不得不撤退到波蘭邊境。他們很可能會投降。The Ukrainians will be unable to defend Kiev or the southern part of Western Ukraine and will have to retreat to the Polish border. They will most likely surrender.

不會有任何談判。隻有俄羅斯導彈連麵向烏克蘭境內的波蘭邊境和位於戰略要地的俄羅斯基地。There will be no negotiations. Just Russian missile batteries facing the Polish border in Ukraine and Russian bases in strategic locations.

俄羅斯人會在烏克蘭西部麵臨遊擊戰嗎?毫無疑問有一些。但厭倦了戰爭的烏克蘭人也會發現他們的俄羅斯表親慷慨、人道,並有助於讓他們的生活恢複正常。他們畢竟是一家人。Will the Russians face guerrilla warfare in Western Ukraine?  No doubt some.  But the war weary Ukrainians will also find their Russian cousins generous and humane and helpful in putting their lives back in order.  They are after all family.

還有徹底失敗和徹底投降的另一麵。當你一無所有時——一點點善意就會大有幫助。There is also the flipside of total defeat and total surrender. When you have nothing– a little kindness goes a long way.

 如果北約不喜歡俄羅斯軍隊和導彈出現在其邊境,他們將不得不從波羅的海國家、波蘭和其他地方撤出導彈電池。如果他們不喜歡俄羅斯基地,他們將不得不讓美國人離開。 If NATO doesn’t like Russian troops and missiles on their border that they will have to withdraw their missile batteries from the Baltics, Poland and elsewhere.  If they don’t like Russian bases they will have to get the Americans to leave.

實際上,使烏克蘭非軍事化意味著建立一個經濟上不成功的緩衝國家,從而使北約非軍事化 — — 或者至少將其削弱到以前的影子。In effect, demilitarizing Ukraine means creating an economically unsuccessful buffer state which serves to demilitarize NATO – or at least reduce it to a shadow of its former self.

在日本,我正在和一位去過衝繩的日本老人談論烏克蘭。他搖搖頭說:“就像衝繩一樣”。當年,他收到了一枚手榴彈,並被告知要為皇帝而死。他15歲。他沒有這麽做,但其他人卻這麽做了。Here in Japan, I was talking to an old Japanese guy who had been in Okinawa about Ukraine. He shook his head and said, “it’s just like Okinawa”.  Back in the day he was given a grenade and told to die for the Emperor. He was 15. He didn’t do it but others did.



烏克蘭有何不同?How different is Ukraine?

就像太平洋戰爭一樣,烏克蘭戰爭早在正式結束、死亡停止之前就已經失敗了。現在,每個人都被發了一顆手榴彈。Like the Pacific war, the war in Ukraine will have been lost long before it ends officially and the dying stops. Right now, everyone is being given a grenade.

當美國人接管日本時,他們清洗了政治階層,並給日本製定了新憲法,同時建立了防衛協議和基地,保證日本在所有事情上都服從。When the Americans took over Japan, they purged the political class and gave the Japanese a new constitution, at the same time setting up defense agreements and bases that guaranteed Japanese obedience in all things.

當然,日本是一種與美國和歐洲完全不同的文化,有著不同的曆史和傳統。無論如何,日本永遠是日本。它永遠不會是美國。Of course, Japan is a totally different culture with a different history and traditions from that of the US and Europe.  One way or another, Japan will always be Japan. It will never be America.

相比之下,俄羅斯和烏克蘭是兄弟文化,擁有共同的語言和曆史。他們在一起在各個方麵都更強大。世界正在發生變化,烏克蘭要想以任何形式生存,就必須接受這種變化,現在以俄羅斯、中國和金磚國家為中心。By contrast, Russia and Ukraine are fraternal cultures, sharing language and history.  Together they are stronger in all respects.  The world is changing and for Ukraine to survive in any form it must embrace that change, now centered on Russia, China, and BRICS .

 日本與美國的關係有一些優勢,但如果綜合考慮的話——劣勢更多。他們也將被迫看到不祥之兆。 Japan’s relationship with the US has had some advantages but if you look at everything altogether— more disadvantages.  They too will be forced to see the writing on the wall.

 如果日本不能擺脫美國的控製,它就注定會失敗。在某些時候,它必須嚐試一下。 Japan is doomed unless it can get from underneath America’s thumb.  At some point it will have to try.

烏克蘭可能還有更多希望。There might be more hope for Ukraine.

穀歌翻譯Big truths: bigger lies


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安裝Adblock plus用戶請點擊瀏覽器圖標
選擇“Disable on www.wenxuecity.com”

選擇“don't run on pages on this domain”