敘利亞更新 - 8 月 2 日

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敘利亞更新 - 8 月 2 日Syria updates - 2nd August

伊斯蘭國繼續襲擊敘利亞中部和東北部的平民ISIS continues to attack civilians in central and north-east Syria


2023 年 8 月 2 日AUG 2, 2023

美國位於敘利亞/約旦邊境阿爾坦夫的非法軍事基地。US illegal military base in Al Tanf on Syrian/Jordanian borders.

伊斯蘭國繼續襲擊平民,以牧羊人為目標,偷竊或殺害數百隻羊。幾天前,拉卡以東一名年輕牧羊人被殺,300隻羊被盜,隨後,當地敘利亞國防軍又挫敗了對代爾祖爾西部鄉村Qawsa Maadan軸的另一次襲擊。ISIS continues their attacks on civilians targeting shepherds and stealing or killing hundreds of sheep. After the killing of a young shepherd a few days ago east of Raqqa and the theft of 300 sheep, another attack was thwarted by the local Syrian National Defence forces on the axix of Qawsa Maadan in the Western countryside of Deir Ezzor.

國防軍部隊深入敘利亞沙漠追擊恐怖分子,奪回了羊群,並打死打傷了“伊斯蘭國”組織的成員。NDF forces pursued the terrorists deep into the Syrian desert, retrieved the flock and killed and wounded members of the ISIS cell.

所有這些襲擊都是由美國占領軍引發的,目的是進一步摧毀敘利亞的民用資源,其中包括對遭受重創的敘利亞經濟具有巨大價值的羊群。這也與帕爾米拉和霍姆斯以東地區居民的不安全感增加有關。All these attacks are triggered by the U.S. Occupation Forces to further decimate Syrian civilian resources which now include flocks of sheep that have enormous value in the devastated Syrian economy. This is also about an increased sense of insecurity for the inhabitants of the land east of Palmyra and Homs.


敘利亞拉卡以東的綿羊被伊斯蘭國殺害Sheep killed by ISIS east of Raqqa in Syria

油輪成為伊斯蘭國蓄意攻擊的目標Oil tankers deliberately targeted by ISIS


周一晚上,伊斯蘭國武裝襲擊了薩拉米耶-拉卡公路上前往霍姆斯煉油廠的一支油輪車隊,造成敘利亞阿拉伯軍隊成員死亡和受傷。On Monday night, an armed ISIS attack targeted a convoy of oil tankers, on the Salamiyah-Raqqa road heading for the Homs refinery, killing and wounding members of the Syrian Arab Army.

當地消息人士在社交媒體上稱,此次襲擊由“伊斯蘭國”武裝分子發起,造成 5 名 SAA 成員死亡、4 人受傷。Local sources said on social media that the attack, which was launched by ISIS gunmen, killed 5 and wounded 4 members of the SAA.

美國顯然已重新激活其控製下的“伊斯蘭國”恐怖組織,對平民實施恐怖襲擊,其中包括7月30日在大馬士革南部發生的令人發指的襲擊事件,造成8人死亡、23人受傷,其中包括婦女和兒童。The U.S. has clearly reactivated ISIS terror cells under their control to carry out terror attacks against civilians including the heinous attack in southern Damascus on the 30th July that left 8 dead, 23 injured including women and children.

石油車隊襲擊前一天,敘利亞軍事情報部門與大馬士革鄉村卡納克附近的另一個伊斯蘭國組織交火。A day before the oil convoy attack, the Syrian military intelligence engaged with another ISIS cell near Kanaker in the Damascus countryside.

美國領導的新一波代理遊擊戰是為了應對敘利亞武裝部隊集結以及俄羅斯和敘利亞對靠近美國基地的西北部(伊德利卜)、東北部和南部恐怖分子總部的襲擊增加的回應。坦夫基地。This new wave of U.S.-led proxy guerilla warfare is in response to the SAA troop build up and increase in attacks by Russia and Syria against terrorist headquarters in the north-west (Idlib), north-east and south - close to the U.S. Al Tanf base.

所有這些恐怖襲擊都是為了加深敘利亞人民在包括人道主義和醫療在內的各個領域的經濟苦難,並進一步確保這個已經被封鎖和遭受重創的國家麵臨能源匱乏。All these terror attacks are designed to deepen the economic misery for the Syrian people across all sectors including humanitarian and medical and to further ensure energy-deprivation for an already blockaded and decimated nation.


觀看 ISIS 襲擊油輪後果的視頻:Watch video of the aftermath of ISIS attack on oil tankers:

俄羅斯和敘利亞對西北部基地組織基地的襲擊增加Increased Russian and Syrian attacks on Al Qaeda bases in north-west


阿拉伯敘利亞軍隊在無人機監視的支持下,用重型火炮和導彈密集瞄準了伊德利卜鄉村薩爾明、納拉布和馬爾巴利特村莊和城鎮的哈亞特解放組織(基地組織分支)總部和防禦工事。等待白頭盔的“憤怒”。The Syrian Arab Army supported by UAV surveillance has intensively targeted Hayat Tahrir Al Sham (Al Qaeda offshoot) headquarters and fortifications with heavy artillery and missiles in the villages and towns of Sarmin, Nayrab and Maarbalit in the Idlib countryside. Wait for the White Helmet “outrage”.

觀看俄羅斯襲擊伊德利卜 HTS 總部的視頻:Watch video of Russian targeting of HTS headquarters in Idlib:

肯尼迪加倍強調猶太複國主義的道歉Kennedy doubles down on Zionist apologism



奇怪的是,人們在這個問題上表現得多麽傲慢和道德正義。看看世界,看看巴勒斯坦和以色列。還有更大的事情危在旦夕It's strange how haughty and morally righteous people are being on this issue.  Look at the world, and look at Palestine and Israel.  There are bigger things at stake

我對類似的評論和聲明有一個很大的問題,我在社交媒體上越來越多地看到這些評論和聲明,以回應肯尼迪對該地區令人震驚的猶太複國主義辯護和東方主義的任何挑戰——據他說,“伊朗將同性戀者吊在櫻桃采摘者身上”,俄羅斯和中國是主要的區域威脅是美國而不是該地區。I have a huge problem with similar comments and statements that I am increasingly seeing on social media in response to any challenge to Kennedy’s appalling Zionist apologism and orientalism towards the region - according to him “Iran hangs gays from cherry pickers” and Russia and China are the primary regional threat - for the U.S. not for the region.

任何認為存在比巴勒斯坦和以色列更重要的問題的人都無知於以色列和巴勒斯坦如何影響該地區和該地區以外的世界,包括烏克蘭,以色列在北約對俄羅斯的戰爭中發揮著關鍵作用。Anyone who thinks that there are bigger issues at stake than Palestine and Israel are ignorant of how Israel and Palestine impacts on the region and the world beyond the region including Ukraine where Israel plays a pivotal role in the NATO war against Russia.

布裏安娜·喬伊·格雷在挑戰肯尼迪對以色列的道歉方麵做得很好。他所能做的就是用猶太複國主義哈斯巴拉談話要點進行回應,隨著他受到真正的巴勒斯坦團結運動和活動家/記者的持續攻擊,這些談話要點變得越來越可恥。Brianna Joy Gray does a great job of challenging Kennedy on his Israel apologism. All he can do is to respond with Zionist hasbara talking points which are becoming increasingly shameful as he comes under sustained fire from the genuine Palestine solidarity movement and activists/journalists.

肯尼迪在做什麽?他正在加劇美國的孤立主義,並在很大程度上加劇白人至上主義,當你看看他的支持者的人口統計時,他們正絞盡腦汁試圖為他因“美國優先”而否認以色列罪行的犯罪行為辯護。What is Kennedy doing? He is increasing U.S. isolationism and to a large degree White supremacy when you look at the demographic of his supporters who are twisting themselves into knots trying to defend his criminal denial of Israeli crimes because "America first".

我在 YouTube 和 Twitter 上看到了很多評論,甚至我自己的 Substack 都指出以色列/巴勒斯坦並不重要 - 有更重要的問題(對於阿姆裏卡人來說) - 這是反社會的重新編程,以證明美國在西亞全球和地區霸權的合理性(中東),以色列充當美國軍事前哨基地,吞並阿拉伯領土,轟炸阿拉伯基礎設施,竊取阿拉伯資源,謀殺阿拉伯人民,資助恐怖組織屠殺阿拉伯人,在巴勒斯坦和地區實行種族隔離、種族滅絕的定居者國家政權——但我們人們應該相信“伊朗經常把同性戀者吊死在采摘者身上”,或者俄羅斯和中國是地區的巨大威脅。I have seen a number of comments on YouTube and Twitter, even my own Substack stating that Israel/Palestine is not important - there are more important issues (for Amrikkans) - this is sociopathic reprogramming to justify U.S hegemony globally and regionally in West Asia (Middle East) where Israel acts as the U.S. military outpost and annexes Arab territory, bombs Arab infrastructure, steals Arab resources, murders Arab peoples, sponsors terrorist groups to massacre Arabs, runs an apartheid, genocidal settler state regime in Palestine and regionally - yet we are supposed to believe that "Iran hangs gays from cherry pickers" regularly or that Russia and China are the big regional threats.

在我看來,這純粹是邪惡的。This is pure evil imo.

警告:當然,布萊恩娜這樣做有她的理由,因為她心裏有另一位候選人,但她仍然比任何對肯尼迪進行軟弱采訪的獨立媒體專家做得更好。Caveat: Of course Brianna has her reasons for doing this as she has another candidate in mind but she still does a better job than any of the independent media pundits who have soft-balled Kennedy interviews.


穀歌翻譯Syria updates - 2nd August


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