阿富汗伊戰正式爆發! 塔利班的數百輛卡車、裝甲運兵車、大炮和其他軍用車輛正在從首都喀布爾轉移到西部城市赫拉特,塔利班將從那裏對呼羅珊省的伊朗城市馬什哈德發動大規模襲擊
The Afghanistan Iran War is official!
— Mahd (@MAHD_15_oct) May 27, 2023
Hundreds of trucks,APCs,Artillery and other military vehicles of Taliban are being moved from the capital Kabul to the western city of Herat from where the Taliban will launch a massive assault on the Iranian city Mashhad in Khorasan Province pic.twitter.com/AW3hbazG4B
塔利班發布了一首歌曲,證實了阿富汗和伊朗之間的戰爭。 從這首歌的歌詞中,他們告訴易卜拉欣·萊西:“我們準備解放德黑蘭,我們準備改革德黑蘭(伊朗政府)......我們的聖戰者已經準備好進行一場血腥的大革命。
The Taliban has released a song confirming the war between Afghanistan and Iran.
— Mahd (@MAHD_15_oct) May 27, 2023
From the song's lyrics they are telling Ibrahim Raisi :"We are ready to liberate Tehran ,We are ready to Reform Tehran (Iranian Government)...Our Mujahideen are ready for a big bloody Revolution." pic.twitter.com/BoSyyqW28l
Videos have emerged from the border between Iran and Afghanistan of heavy equipment of Taliban moving into Iran while the infantry is assisting them, Iranian Border guards are nowhere to be seen. Two are reported dead with several injured and taken into custody by Taliban forces pic.twitter.com/Ivng0sEdGi
— Mahd (@MAHD_15_oct) May 27, 2023
伊朗軍隊正在南部戰線反擊,阿富汗媒體報道伊朗向阿富汗的紮朗開火。 幾名塔利班士兵受傷,據報有一人被打死。 受傷的士兵已被轉移到附近的醫院