Quiet coups within CCP leadership conducted by Putin?

來源: nancy_002 2023-02-12 08:22:47 [] [舊帖] [給我悄悄話] 本文已被閱讀: 次 (3597 bytes)
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It is well known that there were at least 2 quiet coups happened after 20th Party congress since last year.

    1) Putin is the one sew discord between Xi and Biden via Pelosi incidence. Putin and his controlled MAGA republicans coordinated Pelosi's Taiwan visit before Xi's reelection at 20th Party congress. And then Putin turn around telling Xi that Biden is trying to use Pelosi's Taiwan visit to harm his chance of getting reelected at the 20th Party congress and stoking the fire between the two. Putin, a KGB spy who is expert in subversion and sewing discord, succeeded in cracking Xi-Biden-Obama relationship.

    2) Because just before the 20th Party congress, Putin met with Xi the first time in person after COVID and found out Xi is against him although friendly on surface. So Putin decided to take Xi down at the 20th Party congress by promoting his opposing faction, Li, keqiang, Li, zhanshu and other CCP youth factions. Xi was first under the house arrest immediately after Xi stepped down from the airplane at the Chinese airport after meeting Putin. Li, keqiang was the one organized house arrest. However, Xi, collaborated with his confidant Obama, succeeded in reelection at 20th Party congress. However the pure optics of removal of ex-president Hu, Jintao irked a lot of Chinese peoples, especially that optics being played and commented on all media outlets worldwide. With the failing of securing Xi's replacement-- Li, keqiang fraction at the 20th party congress, Putin ordered MAGA republicans, to organized the social unrest in China and finally propelled the first quiet coup in CCP top leadership with Li, keqiang, Li, zhanshu and Wang, yi in power. The goal is to banish Xi's zero COVID hold on the world.

    3) However, this new leadership not only banished zero COVID, but made China economically stronger and even more formidable to beat than Xi's China. Those reformists are patriotic. Especially Wangyi's MuJi-style reform which will propel China to become the #1 superpower and reform Chinese politics in a positive way. The Chinese new leadership is composed of reformists, and open-minded people. So far the better team for China. They spoiled Putin's Christmas by leaving Putin alone in church by himself. And the new Chinese leadership even organized a quiet coup in Russia to take down Putin.

    4) Enough is enough. Putin is jealous of China's success under the new reformists' leadership and ordered MAGA republicans to conduct a genocide in multiple cities during Chinese lunar new year in US to spoil Chinese new year. He likely promoted QinGang, a talentless, treasonous but Putin loyalist into the CCP central committee during the 20th party congress. Putin met Chinese vice foreign minister Ma Zhaoxu on 02/02/2023 and another quiet coup was likely happened within the CCP top leadership. This time both Xi and reformist factions were likely taken down with QinGang leading the new Putin loyalist faction.

    5) The new Putin loyalist faction are traitors and is selling Chinese interest to Putin and harming Chinese people and need to be brought down immediately, if not by another Chinese social unrest.

    6) Calling to resume WangYi and Li, keqiang's leadership and start MuJi-style reform if CCP still want a chance for another decade. Or else CCP is over and Chinese people will elect someone else to lead China.



讀起來有點天方夜譚的感覺. 李軟禁習,現在失敗了還能安然無恙? -Uusequery- 給 Uusequery 發送悄悄話 (0 bytes) () 02/12/2023 postreply 09:02:20

2)普京並沒有在北京有多少政治力量也不可能在和西方打仗時做這種事。做分析的應該也相信俄不斷地自炸早被控製住的核電站吧? -thrawn- 給 thrawn 發送悄悄話 thrawn 的博客首頁 (0 bytes) () 02/12/2023 postreply 14:39:35



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