
來源: thrawn 2020-03-31 16:24:19 [] [博客] [舊帖] [給我悄悄話] 本文已被閱讀: 次 (823 bytes)
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The lesson of this plague is not only that the United States must cooperate more deeply with China. It is also that the United States will be less able than in the past to dictate the terms on which that cooperation occurs. Trump, Cotton, and other hard decouplers may find these realities excruciating. But the more they resist them, the more Americans will die.

這場災難的教訓不僅在於美國必須與中國進行更深入的合作。 同樣,與以往相比,美國將沒有能力決定開展合作的條件。 特朗普,棉花和其他斷裂者可能會發現這些現實令人難受。 但是他們越反抗他們,就會有更多的美國人死亡。
