回複:請網友投一下票,老貓可不可以用台灣的國罵 XXX...... :)

回答: 回複:證據如山奮鬥大天使2009-08-19 05:31:36

Sorry that I was at office and have to use English. I didn't say I was not guilty, while I didn't read the odometers and following traffic. That's also the reason why I doubt that the police man made a mistake.

There are four options for the weather, cloudy, raining, snowing and fog. The police man marked the cloudy and raining. Maybe just a mistake, I just used the word "doubt".

Anyway, I never said that I was not guilty and keep saying "doubt". If I was found guilty, I will show apology to prosecutor, police officer and on site workers. I was just asking help and the methods to express appropriately to the court from you rather than the insulation and 台灣的國罵.

Thanks anyway for your response.
