nolle prosequi (no-lay pro-say-kwee) n. Latin for "we shall no longer prosecute," which is a declaration made to the judge by a prosecutor in a criminal case (or by a plaintiff in a civil lawsuit) either before or during trial, meaning the case against the defendant is being dropped. The statement is an admission that the charges cannot be proved, that evidence has demonstrated either innocence or a fatal flaw in the prosecution's claim, or the district attorney has become convinced the accused is innocent. Understandably, usage of the phrase it is rare. In the 1947 courtroom movie, "Boomerang!" the climactic moment arrived when the District Attorney himself proved the accused person innocent and declared "nolle prosequi."
所以簡單的說,您的案件因為是DA放棄追究,所以在法律上基本上沒有問題,(簡單的說,DA自行撤銷起訴)所以您無需憂慮"非道德性"犯罪的部份,如果是協商認罪,那麼這仍然有一個犯罪的紀錄,(一般是在日後dismiss但是在沒有完成所有程序之前,當事人仍然有罪)但是對於您,基本上應該沒有一個這樣的記錄,個人的猜想是您的配偶事後太不與DA合作,同時DA也認為沒有太多的問題,所以懶得花時間與您們糾纏,所以如果是這樣,您應該好好謝謝您的另一半. (您的律師讓您去上課,不知道是DA的建議,還是怕問題再發生....)總之,您的情況可以說是所有的問題中最好的處理方式.