I can not type chiness in my computer. Sorry for this. I may copy some words for your questions as answers.
(A)您人在那裡? (同時這是學校宿舍或是商業租屋,還是這是個人的出租)
Nashville, TN. 這是個人的出租.
No. I have no right to enter this apartment complex since I do not live there.
(c)您如何進入這個洗衣間? (是否需要特別的鑰匙或是KEY CODE,您supppose 不應該持有,或是這是公開場所,亦或是這是在他人的公寓之中....),您是否有其他朋友讓您進入?
No key need for the lanudry room. 這是在他人的公寓之中.
I am not sure about this. But from his words, it seems that he is the landlord.
(e)對方為什麼要扣押您的證件而不單純作一個copy,紀錄您的訊息? 對方是否告知您如何取回,或是何時歸還?
I do not know why. he did not tell us how I can get back and when I can get back.
(g)您的工作證件是否有任何私人訊息(如您的地址...),是否also用作安全試別的一種工具.(也就是說是一個key card...)
Yes, it has my personal information and it is a key card.
(h)您為什麼要去? 您是否知道您不該進入,(例如租約有說明您不可使用還是您根本不是住客???
The laundary room is close to where I live. Normally, I go to the public lanudry room to do the lanudary.
By the way, he is very rude to me yesterday. He asked where I am from aand called me a theft....
Thank you for your help.
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