My Experience with IP Law Firm

rtners are equal, some partners might take home nothing if the firm has a bad year and the profit is low.
2. Work hours - Minimum 2150 billable hours. Please note that is billable hours. It is not surprising if some of them have to work 12 hours a day, including weekend.
3. Partnership - The partner track is 7 years in my firm, if you don't make it in 7 years, you will probably either quite or wait for them to fire you. And only 1 out of 30 first year associate will eventually make partnership!
4. English writing skill - You will be asked to write brief, motion, response letter, etc. Don't even try if you are not strongly confident in your English writing skill (maybe the is the reason I didn't even want to try :-))

Hopefully this can be useful for some people. :-)
