I see pretty pessimistic future outlook for IT engineers in the US. The reasons as I see them are:
1) Age is not an advantage in IT. The skills in IT outdate so quickly, a fresh graduate most of the time is better trained than someone with 15+ yr of experiences.
2) Outsourcing and competition for the IT industry is intensifying. It's hard to justify paying someone in the US 5x the salary for the same job a lot of people in Shanghai or Bangalore can do? Cisco is getting lots of competition from companies like Huawei. We will see if MSFT and INTC become the GM and Ford of tomorrow.
Questions for lawyers here.
Some engineers switch career to become IP lawyer. How does the job of an IP lawyer compare with the job of an engineer in IT? I heard that patent prosecution involves a lot of solitary writing hours. Is it really a boring job?
I heard some law firm layoff recently. How is the job stability for lawyers?
回複:Future of IT is bleak but is law the easy way out?
• 回複:回複:Future of IT is bleak but is law the easy way out? -wangnwu210- ♀ (198 bytes) () 04/02/2009 postreply 00:31:29