Although you two don't have joint banking account, the money in either your or his banking account belongs to both of you.You can ask half of it and also ask alimony.
He may transfer some money from his account to others (like China or his friends). you can ask for receipts through your attorney.
At first, you don't agree on divorce. Then, you two need to see consultant. If it doesn't work, you two will see the mediator to see if you can make a agreement on divorce. If it doesn't work, you two will go to the trial. It will take more than one year. (My case is one and half year till the decree is finalized). Hope it will give your time to get Green card.
• 嗬嗬,男人就怕離婚。離一次,砍一半。 -uuma- ♂ (0 bytes) () 02/13/2009 postreply 15:42:28
• 未必! 道高一尺, 魔高一丈。 精明的老中男人, 離婚時,錢早就轉走了。 -guoke_12342000- ♂ (94 bytes) () 02/14/2009 postreply 20:09:25
• 精明的老中男人, 離婚時,錢早就轉走了。你要收據沒用, 他給你來個無賴沒錢, 你能如何他 ? -guoke_12342000- ♂ (170 bytes) () 02/14/2009 postreply 20:19:55
• 回複:回複:老公提出要離婚,我沒有綠卡,該怎麽辦 -北京的冬天- ♀ (46 bytes) () 02/15/2009 postreply 06:12:45