對不起,樓上的,你說的也有偏頗。JD是拉丁文Juris Doctor 或Doctor of Jurisprudence 的簡稱。但是它確實算是一個Doctorate Degree,隻不過和大家所認識的academic Ph.D.不同而已。請參閱Wikipedia的條目,轉錄在此供參考:
“Juris Doctor is a first professional graduate degree and professional doctorate in law. The degree was first awarded by Harvard University in the United States in the late 19th century as a degree similar to the old European doctor of law degree (such as the Dottore in Giurisprudenza in Italy and the Juris Utriusque Doctor) and the legal studies counterpart to the M.D. degree in the United States.”
因為是一個professional graduate degree,所以上法學院不要求先拿個Master學位。也有人在取得JD以後再念個LL.M.,例如稅法碩士、環保法碩士什麽的。我念書時,就碰到個已在行醫的MD同學,說是畢業後專做Medical Malpractice訴訟案。還有一位已是公司老板,有50歲了,作業都是秘書用打字機給打出來的。那是20多年前,電腦還不那麽泛濫。那人念法律純粹隻是要保護自己和自家的生意。所以法學院才是個什麽鳥兒都有的林子。飛出來的有大鳥也有小鳥。有沒有garbage還沒有碰上過。