First of all, just want to mention, I'm an attorney, have been for 10 years. I absolutely love what I do!
My personal take is, if going to law school at 45 is for your personal enjoyment, it's not too late. From a practical point of view, it's going to be extremely hard to compete with 25-year olds, if you want to be an employee and work for a firm. Your timeline is out of place with everyone else's by a large margin. If your career goal is to open your own shop, I would say being 45 might still be OK. But, keep in mind that it takes a long time to build a practice. You should budget at least 10 years for that. It might not make sense from a simple economic point of view.
回複:想改行學法律, 請過來人給點兒建議
• 十年經驗QA, 能幹到老也不累. 倘若年輕二十年, 選學法律路子對. -美國老土- ♂ (208 bytes) () 01/13/2009 postreply 02:04:20