昨天(12/23)我上了交通法庭陳述, 沒有請律師, 法官把罰單撤銷了, 我很欣慰, 充分的準備沒有白費, 也為提civil court告訴敞開大門. 在這裡我想和網友們分享我和交通法庭第一次親密接觸的經驗. 上庭之前我準備頗齊全, 然而我在庭上出了第一招就讓法官撤銷罰單了, 並沒有花太多力氣, 主要的材料都還沒用上.
先不說這白人女警袒護自己同胞,枉顧事實,濫用職權汙陷我方, 她還犯了明顯的錯誤, 突顯她不合格作為一個警察, 因此她的指控也就不可採信. 具體說來, 在我收集資訊的過程中,我注意到三個文件上的指控(charge)都不同. 這三個文件包括我的罰單,Police Report,還有court filing information. 在罰單上是unsafe lane change, Police Report上是other improper passing, court filing上則是fail to obey highway lane marking. 我感到很不可思議, 我想這一定是警察犯的錯誤, 隻是一時還不知道這錯誤如何作為對我有力的論據. 我繼續朝著事件主體的方向準備, 未料在YouTube上看到了這個video, 具體提到這警察的錯誤在法律上的意義是什麼. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3KkKHlw5M94&feature=channel_page
於是我把video上的論述套上我的案情, 完成了這段話, 也就是我在庭上的開場白.
I plea not guilty. I strongly believe that the other party is fully responsible for the accident. I am prepared to defend myself. I am prepared to make a presentation to your honor for that purpose. (這段是加強氣勢, 讓法官聽完開場白之後, 不會懷疑我僅是憑藉著警察的失誤而得分, 而不是實質上無罪.)
Before I go to the presentation, I’d like to raise one issue which may provide a ground for me to request your honor to dismiss the charge.
The issue is that the police officer failed to properly identify the state statue in which officer is charging me. In such case, the charge can be dismissed. (從video擷取)
Here are copies of three documents that show the inconsistency in the police officer’s charges against me. I’d like to present this to your honor. (把printout遞上去)
On the summon, the police officer indicated the charge to be “unsafe lane change”.
On the police report, the same police officer indicated the charge to be “other improper passing”.
On the court filing, the police officer indicated the charge to be “fail to obey highway lane marking”.
My understanding is that state statue on the police report must line up correctly with the information that the police officer is including on the ticket. The fact that the police officer did not do her job to fill out the ticket, the police report and the court filing correctly shows that the police officer in this particular case was not clear about what really happened in the accident, was unreliable in her judgment, inexperience or not fully competent of enforcing traffic law. In any case, I request your honor to dismiss the charge. (最後這段我放大音量具體指出警察失誤與撤銷罰單的關連性, 那白人女警低頭不語)
開場白講完後, 法官與prosecutor交換一下意見, 確認我說的沒錯, 那女警無話可說, 法官立即撤銷罰單. 我心裡惋惜沒機會當庭演練我的presentation, 不過我也見好就收,謝了法官, mission accomplished.