回複:Does anybody know 2nd degree assult?

(A)請您至少檢查您的英文拚音,是"ASSAULT",不是 "ASSULT"
或是比較搞笑的 "ASS ULT" (發音或許可以是"愛司 OUT". 這是出自您的post,不要怪老貓 :-)

(B)一般這個控罪正式的名稱是 "Assault in the second degree"
(a)Intentionally assaults another and thereby recklessly inflicts substantial bodily harm; or

(b) Intentionally and unlawfully causes substantial bodily harm to an unborn quick child by intentionally and unlawfully inflicting any injury upon the mother of such child; or

(c) Assaults another with a deadly weapon; or

(d) With intent to inflict bodily harm, administers to or causes to be taken by another, poison or any other destructive or noxious substance; or

(e) With intent to commit a felony, assaults another; or

(f) Knowingly inflicts bodily harm which by design causes such pain or agony as to be the equivalent of that produced by torture; or

(g) Assaults another by strangulation.

基本上這個控罪如果罪名成立可能的刑期一般如果是初犯是在至少 5 年以上最高不超過 10 年的刑期,(隨每一州的法律或有不同),有的州可以重判到最高15年的徒刑,(如 State of Missouri) 因為 一般的情況 Assault, Second Degree 是屬於 Class C Felony, 所以如果罪名成立,刑期都不會太輕.

所以老貓要是您的"朋友",老貓會盡快找律師處理這個控罪,一般的情況是與檢察官plea一個較輕的控罪來減少整體的傷害.然而對於您朋友(妻子),她到無需太難過,因為如果她的先生罪名一旦成立,她可以經由移民法規中對於受到家暴婦女的特別保護條款來申請移民歸化,通常這個程序的進行速度不受到移民排期的限製. 希望老貓的回答讓您的朋友覺得滿意.



Under Maryland law, an person is guilty as assault in the second degree if he/she is found to have caused “physical injury” to another person.

Physical injury means impairment of physical condition, excluding minor injuries.

Maryland Assault Penalties and Sentence Guidelines
Charge Penalty
Assault—1st Degree Maximum—25 years in Prison
Assault—2nd Degree Maximum—10 years; Fine—$2,500
Assault—Reckless Endangerment Maximum—5 years
Assault on Law Enforcement Officer Maximum—10 years
Assault—Attempted Poisoning Maximum—10 years; Minimum—2 years
Assault—Poisoning by water/food contamination Maximum—20 years


回複:回複:Does anybody know 2nd degree assult? -phlj- 給 phlj 發送悄悄話 (19 bytes) () 12/09/2008 postreply 12:43:51
