Life has 2 sides. Depends whic

來源: youSelect. 2004-06-26 11:40:28 [] [舊帖] [給我悄悄話] 本文已被閱讀: 次 (609 bytes)
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回答: 請有經驗的人幫幫我!求教!!!!2004-06-21 14:59:41
Also be adviced that even you couple can fight and hurt each other like mad dogs, you may not get what you want finally. As you go to court, you two take the other as enemy already, so be sure yourself have no dirt to be digged out by other side lawyer. Once you have some thing bad caught by other, you may lose your case.
Anyway as lawyers, always make money weather you won/lost. Also be adviced, it is not always the loser pay the winer's lawyer fee. It depends on the judgement you got from the court. So don't expect too much. Judge generally try to be fair and may not be bias to your side.


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