My family sent a Global Express mail from China to SF 4 weeks ago.
I haven't gotten it yet. The first mail we recieved only in 2 weeks.
I went to the internet checked the tracking number,and it showed "Your item is being processed by United States Customs"
"Inbound Into Customs
Inbound International Arrival, November 07, 2008, 9:50 am, ISC SAN FRANCISCO (USPS)"
Anyone here knows what's going on?
How long does it take if it is hold in Custom?
Help!Global Express mail inbound Into Customs
Your packages has been opened by customs as a random inspection
(250 bytes)
11/21/2008 postreply
回複:Your packages has been opened by customs as a random inspecti
(124 bytes)
11/21/2008 postreply
depends what you have been shipped in the package,
(78 bytes)
11/21/2008 postreply
回複:depends what you have been shipped in the package,
(70 bytes)
11/21/2008 postreply