Wow, show your points

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回答: 請有經驗的人幫幫我!求教!!!!2004-06-21 14:59:41

I think you should show your logical reasoning. I do not think it is an over reaction, there is a bottom line over there. I think it is this lady, not that guy in danger right now. The immigration law does not treat them equal. If there love is not equal and the battle field is not equal, do you still call it a fair play?


agree, i smell sense of logic, -karaok- 給 karaok 發送悄悄話 (227 bytes) () 06/24/2004 postreply 23:25:10

different ppl has different -logics.- 給 logics. 發送悄悄話 (252 bytes) () 06/26/2004 postreply 12:06:06
