回複:請有經驗的朋友指教:關於“Certified check“

來源: calarpv 2008-11-16 21:38:16 [] [舊帖] [給我悄悄話] 本文已被閱讀: 次 (4381 bytes)
謝謝老貓、needwait,你們正點到了關鍵。請看此君給我的email, 以及google.com找到的關於“Certified Check Scams”的信息:

Am interested in the item you advertised because i like the condition you stated about it and I would like to make an outright purchase immediately so i would want you withdraw the advert from the web.
Regarding the payment term,I can only for now pay you with a certified check in U.S dollars so pls let me have the following informations so that the payment can be made to you :
.Your full name to be on the check.
2.Your postal address.
3.Your postal code
4.Your mobile phone number (For easier comunications).
Kindly get me the above requested information as soon as possible.Concerning the shippment,it is my regular shipper that will come for the pick up as soon as you recieve your money in hands.

Thanks in Advance.


I perfectly understand what you are telling me but i act as a middleman to lots of my client to help them get the items they need and i get my own commission,i have like 200 transactions per day and you dont expect me to call each and every one so if you are intrested in still selling to me,please mail me back with the complete information i requested from you butthe payment would be sent by UPS courier company and the item will be picked up as soon as you receive my payment,I will wait for the payment to get cashed before i'd send my mover for the pick up.I will like to tell you that i would be sending a check worth of $9,500 to cover the moving of the item and the money for the item.As soon as the check reaches you,have it cashed and remove $6,550 for the item and send the remaining fund to my mover via western union money transfer.My mover is also picking some of my other items up for me in the same city of yours so that is why i need to give him that amount.I will like you to remove $200 for your running around in getting the check cashed.Please let me know if i can trust you on this so that we can move forward from here.
kindly get back with the info to make out the payment to

以下是從網上查到關於“Certified Check Scams”的信息:

How to Avoid Certified Check Scams
By esplainer

Certified check scams are on the rise. Most people believe a certified check (a bank check) is guaranteed to be legitimate and that it is as good as cash, but this is not always the case. Bank checks from out of the country are particularly suspect. Be suspicious of certified checks that come to you from someone you don't know well, especially from eBay purchasers. Here's how to protect yourself.

Understand that banking laws require your bank to make funds available to you within a specified time, usually within a few banking days. It may take longer than that to verify funds if the certified check is from a foreign bank. If you use any of the funds from the check and it turns out to be bogus, you'll have to make good on the amount you use.

Beware of any certified check that is drawn for more than the amount owed to you. One way scammers can take your money and leave you with a worthless check is to send you a counterfeit certified check for more than what's due, ask you to deposit it in your bank and wire the sender the difference out of your account. If the check is no good, you'll lose the amount you wire and still be responsible to reimburse your bank for any additional amount you spend.

Wait until your bank verifies and clears the certified check before using any part of it, no matter how long it takes. Don't give in to pressure from any business or individual to send any portion of it before it clears. The fact that a certified check looks official, that your bank accepts it and makes the funds available to you is no guarantee that it's valid until it actually clears.

估計此君正是人在美國以外的某地,所以不便用電話聯係;而且願意支付的金額是$9500,遠大於我的車款$6550。如此做法先讓收款人吃個甜頭和定心丸,利用銀行驗證支票的過程,玩個時間差,讓收款人失去戒心時,騙取其中的一個差額,或者連車都被騙走。畢竟這種“Certified Check”和行騙方式,一般人一輩子也可能碰不上一次,稍不留神就容易上當受騙。


這是典型騙局。 -needwait..- 給 needwait.. 發送悄悄話 needwait.. 的博客首頁 (0 bytes) () 11/17/2008 postreply 12:08:40

如果是正常價錢還可以考慮,一下多出3000八成有問題。 -戰車上的狸花- 給 戰車上的狸花 發送悄悄話 (24 bytes) () 11/17/2008 postreply 13:12:43



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