What I tried to say is, people should be nice to his fellow human beings; including having more sympathy to others. Having sympathy for WU does not mean one agrees with what he did; but for all the misfortunes he has (or mistakes he made, including working for that company at first place).
A good law system should provide justice to people being bullied. This will help to stabilize the society. (Why those rich people are generous to help the poor? Partially because they are kind/nice; partially because they are smart. They know creating too many people fear of losing nothing is against their own interests.)
I said even the CEO did not deserve death; not to mention the ot
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11/16/2008 postreply
咱不能顧前8顧後 *_~
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11/16/2008 postreply
I do "嫉惡如仇。" No matter it is big 惡 or small 惡.
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11/16/2008 postreply
多走別人的生命不是"惡"? 有其他的解決方式.
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11/17/2008 postreply
don't you think WU made MANY people desperate?
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11/17/2008 postreply