
This is how TITO system works. If you insert $15.02 ticket to a quarter machine. The machine will keep the $15 and kick out a ticket for $.02. This will cost a confusion to the players. It happens so many times during the switch over.

Slot machines hooked to a central computer system. The system is able to tell exactly how much you insert and how much you cashed out and your play history play by play within the last 7 days. If the casino staff said so, I would believe them. If you are in Nevada, you can request Gaming Control Board's number and gaming agent will come to the property to verify for you. Any dispute $500 or more is mandatory.

You are responsible to verify the TITO ticket's value. If you failed to do so, nobody will help you.

Casino can review the tape and identify the person who cash the ticket. They will not show you the tape or give you a photo.

Conclusion, it is a lesson that cost you $15.


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