回複:回複:右轉燈是關鍵 (圖)

回答: 右轉燈是關鍵 (圖)-·´¯`·._.2008-10-05 01:30:06

check this out:

Safe and Responsible Driving

Changing lanes

You might need to change lanes on roads with more than one lane in the same direction. You may want to change lanes to overtake another vehicle, to avoid a parked vehicle or when the vehicle ahead slows to turn at an intersection.
Always give proper signal before changing lanes and ensure the move can be made safely.

Steps for changing lanes.

Check for a space in traffic where you can enter safely.
Check your blind spot by looking over your shoulder in the direction of the lane change. Give an indicator in the direction you want to move.
Recheck to ensure the way is clear and that no one is coming at a fast speed from behind.
Turn steadily into the new lane.
Do not change lane suddenly by cutting in front of another vehicles. The other drivers will not be expecting your maneuver.
Avoid changes lanes unless required. Don't change lanes in or near an intersection.

Spending a few seconds behind another vehicle is often safer than going around it.


回複:回複:回複:右轉燈是關鍵 (圖) -Blackwater- 給 Blackwater 發送悄悄話 (520 bytes) () 10/05/2008 postreply 10:08:03

Some Basic Traffic Negotiation Principles -hiccup- 給 hiccup 發送悄悄話 (647 bytes) () 10/05/2008 postreply 10:41:06
