(A)您所在的州所使用的製度與法律,這個部份的法律相當的複雜, 不過簡單的說您的401(k)隻有在您婚姻中所累積的部份需要計算在內,所以payments made toward a 401(k) prior to marriage are nonmarital property.同時value of retirement benefits也是主要考慮的因素,以馬裏蘭州為例,計算這個退休基金的價值需要考慮的 (1) 等值於您的 employee's contributions to the pension plus accrued interest (2) as the "present value"(現值) of future benefits expected to be received by the employee after retirement,
or (3) through determination of a percentage to be paid to the
nonemployee spouse from any future retirement payments received
by an employee spouse, payable "as, if, and when" received.
同時您還需要考慮到,法官是否會考慮到monetary award的問題,簡單的說monetary award是隻法官依據雙方婚姻的年限與婚姻中雙方的收入與貢獻於家庭支出的比例所做出的一個決定,這個決定規範了一方應該可以在整個財產中所獲得的部份,
所以簡單的說,分割一個 401(k) account should be done through a court-issued qualified domestic relations order與專業的會計師來處理,不是一個人說一半就可以拍板定案的.