唉,craigslist 上明文描述了這種騙局,要你別上當!


3. Someone requests wire service payment via Western Union or MoneyGram:
Scam "bait" items include apartments, laptops, plasma TVs, cell phones, tickets - but could be almost anything
Often claim that an MTCN or confirmation code is needed before he can withdraw your money - this is FALSE, once you've wired money, it is GONE.
Common countries currently include: Nigeria, Romania, United Kingdom, Ukraine, Spain, Italy, Netherlands - but could be anywhere
Apartment listing may be local, but landlord/owner is "travelling" or "relocating" and needs you to wire money to them abroad
Deal often seems too good to be true, price is too low, rent is below market, etc

4. distant person offers to send you a money order and then have you wire money:
this is ALWAYS a scam, in our experience - the cashier's check is FAKE
sometimes accompanies an offer of merchandise, sometimes not
scammer often asks for your name, address, etc for printing on the fake check
deal often seems too good to be true
