This is an Ethics vs Law problem we all need to deal with. Personally, I dont go after someone's retirement funds or children's college funds. That is unnecessary and I dont believe 趕盡殺絕,斬草除根。
己所不欲勿施於人! If somebody go after your retirement money, would you like it?
Once you put your hu*****and in the corner and leave him no choice, he will make your divorce harder. To the end, all the money you can get after attorney fee are generally less.
Most problems can be solved by asking nicely.
With all the respect, I think your post is worthless like most divorce posts here.
Ethics Vs Law
i barely come to this forum. however, whenever
(230 bytes)
07/28/2008 postreply
Have you thought about how woman will retire?
(270 bytes)
07/28/2008 postreply
Only you think this way
(185 bytes)
07/28/2008 postreply
That is how you think.
(437 bytes)
07/28/2008 postreply
The wife deserves some of the 401K, just how much, 5:5 or 4:6
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07/28/2008 postreply
30/70 the best
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07/28/2008 postreply
have he bought an IRA for her ?
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07/28/2008 postreply