I went thru same situation once

I went thru the same situation once, you need a attorney right now. in my state, any contractor can file a mechanic lien with the county recorders office for any given reason, they do not need to prove anything, you have to prove in court that is false. in the beginning, the state status was setup to protect laborer so they get paid, but now people abuse it.

1. as long as the lien was not file, you can close.
2. get an attorney now, and send him a warning letter, if you can not close on time, you will counter sue him so he will be responsible for all your lost if the court determent later the claim is false.
3. if he file, you can still close but usually you have to escrow 150% of the claim amount till the lien gets settle.

hope this help. I am a builder.


回複:I went thru same situation once -ejmama- 給 ejmama 發送悄悄話 (39 bytes) () 07/28/2008 postreply 10:38:30
