1. It is a overdose not wrong medication. Your Chinese is awful.
2. 後來過一會護士拿來一個小杯,看上去大概有7點5毫升,我們因為也不懂,就讓孩子吃了. Mother will let kids drink something that she has no idea with. That is smart.
3. 我想告那個護士沒有遵照醫生的指示做事,請問大家可以嗎? How did you know that she did not follow the instruction?
4. 我覺得更氣憤,這不是泄露我們的privacy嗎? The only privacy that you compromised is that the parents are stupid. Good information flow will save time and eventually save life.
5. It is time to put a price tag on your daughter.
99% chance this story just like most other divorce BS are fabricated for somebody else amusement.
• This is too much! I believe you are not a parent, -N.- ♀ (219 bytes) () 07/07/2008 postreply 22:05:32
• 你才吃錯藥了呢,而且你的心肝脾肺腎都已經腐爛了! -沛霖- ♀ (380 bytes) () 07/08/2008 postreply 14:04:05