Email Exchanges - Valid Exhibits?

來源: zclearwater 2008-07-07 11:57:39 [] [舊帖] [給我悄悄話] 本文已被閱讀: 次 (910 bytes)
回答: Another Law Suit ?!zclearwater2008-07-04 17:18:58
老貓,I appreciate your response.

1.Court recital, I do not have a copy. One of the defense attorney’s letter explains why the draft was inconsistent with what he told at recital – “my principal has been forced to include XXX”s name on the draft in order to protect itself from any potential liability it might have to XXX.” Since you believed my think was wrong, it seems there is no need for me to obtain a copy.

2.I am following your advice and sending the attorney an email asking him to justify his fees. I am wondring if email exchanges between me and the attorney valid as exhibits at court?

3.I have to send you copies of the attorneys' letters and emails for you to see why the trail attorney withdrew, and how the first attorney’s unprofessional work affected the consequence. It would take me a couple of days to get all these doc's organized.

Thank you again.


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