
The carpet have life of approx. 8 years. It depends on the condition of the carpet when you moved in. if it was brand new when you moved in, and you really made it dirty and can't be washed, then you will need to pay for the whole amount. but if it's used for years and close to the end of the life, even you made it so dirty and needs replace, you will only needs to pay partial of fee, like 1/8 if it's old old which equil to the cost to wash it. You are not responsible for the whole life of carpet and no need to pay for the whole thing. You can use this info on court. If the wall is clean like you said, you don't need to pay for the painting cost because wear and tear (a little dirty) is normal and no need to pay for that. Ony if you smoke in the house to make it smelly or make obvious holes or color on the wall, then you need to pay for painting.
