You can try. Up to judge to make the decision.

回答: 回複:過海關錢被扣,怎麽辦?急!justLook2008-05-04 11:50:34

It all depends on the judge you get. He or she may agree with you or may not. If they ask you why you do not declare, I do not think any reason is good.

You may try to tell the judge that you are going back to Canada right after your hu*****and left and go to bank to deposite the money. Again, it is up to judge now.


I declared $3,000 around when they ask me -跳進黃河能洗清嗎- 給 跳進黃河能洗清嗎 發送悄悄話 (0 bytes) () 05/04/2008 postreply 12:29:48

這是關鍵,你事前沒有申報,是問你才 declared 的。 -路人老二- 給 路人老二 發送悄悄話 (36 bytes) () 05/05/2008 postreply 17:07:04

回複:這是關鍵,你事前沒有申報,是問你才 declared 的。 -跳進黃河能洗清嗎- 給 跳進黃河能洗清嗎 發送悄悄話 (70 bytes) () 05/05/2008 postreply 19:41:01
