I have not dealt with individual contractor,however, when I buy a new home from KB Home, it happend like yours. The new hardwood floor has a lot of dent on its. They put hardwood floor on the first floor first, then do other flooring later. If the bottom of the worker's shoes have some stone/rock(it is very common), it's very easy to leave such dent on the new floor. After the new is closed and we moved in, we found those dent. We were not happy with it just like you are now. We asked KB home to re-do the hardwood floor.
Right now, I feel I was a little bit picky at that time. After leaving in the new house for a while, I found a lot of new dents. It's just a nature of the hardwood, I guess, you get dent even you drop a key on it, especially it will be even worse if you have kid at home.
If the floor is not acceptable, you should ask for re-do. the dent is not easy repaired. That's why KB Home re-do it for us.
Good luck
Here is my floor story....
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05/01/2008 postreply