個人感覺希望不大。 at-will employment, 本來就是可以
terminate without cause. 想想有沒有更好的證據吧,
好比說他說過什麽話, 對你有沒有不尊重, any kind of
harassment, etc.
also i think the statute of limitation is quite short for
employment discrimination. the time starts from the
day the event happened. not from the day you are terminated. maybe it's 2 years,or 6 month. ? don't
quite remember. there's also labor department that might
be able to help you on that.
建議,如果需要法律意見, 不要到論壇上來。 直接找律師。
論壇上不可能給你法律意見。 律師的職業道德也不允許律師
在這種地方給法律意見。 有人願意給你意見當然好,可是這