life is much more.

來源: bicorn 2004-05-26 14:40:47 [] [舊帖] [給我悄悄話] 本文已被閱讀: 次 (787 bytes)
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回答: 人生無情, I'm sure you're a toughlady!!!!!!2004-05-13 11:32:59
I never touch my ex-wife when we were in aarguement.
I put her through private university in US.
She throw my parents out one month after their arrival in US.
She throw me out one day after I helped her find a permanent job.
She divorced me and took away the only thing I care: my daughter.
She wanted her only because I care.

After all that, I still helped her to get the greencard since I think this is something I can do for my daughter: she is my daughter's mom.

But I have no feelings for her anymore: no hatred and no love.

I am still positive for life. I know there are many more beautiful things in this world. I am enjoying now although I wish my daughter is enjoying life with me.

Be happy. Life is yours. Happiness is in your hands.


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