
來源: 斷翅紫蝶 2008-02-06 07:59:23 [] [舊帖] [給我悄悄話] 本文已被閱讀: 次 (3168 bytes)
我們結婚8年多住在俄亥俄,在我生下第2個孩子的時候,老公(他是美國人)有了外遇。在我們的2nd孩子2個月的時候,他搬去和他的girlfriend 同居。他的girlfriend是妓,她有網站來賣自己(她也沒離婚呢)。我提出離婚了,因為自從他搬出去(5個月)就沒給我一分錢,所以我得要扶養費。 我的attorney好像沒有什莫計劃,上法庭是2月7號,我非常緊張,我的問題是:
1 他說我emotional abuse他,所以才要離婚的。另外他說我有crazy.
2 他指責我不讓他看孩子,我隻說過not around his girlfriend.但是他不同意,所以不來看孩子。
3 他說她不再做妓了, 自從他們住在一起。但是我不放心孩子們。孩子是否可以讓她看?如果她還繼續做妓,我該怎莫辦?可否爭full custody?
4 我知道財產50-50。但我不想給他那莫多.我在這5月中一直自己付賬單和撫養孩子。
5 她告訴我她懷孕,肯定是我老公的。關於我的child support and spousal support會不會有影響?
我應該怎樣保護我和孩子的權利,怎樣defence myself? 出庭要準備什莫?

1. 我雇用了偵探,所以知道她還在做妓,但是我老公還不知道。My concern is about my children. I don’t feel being around her are my kids best interest. Besides she is pregnant and做妓. What kind person she is? I am devastated when my children are going to their house. I am afraid to report her to the police because I have no idea what she will do to my kids. Is there anyway that I can protect my children? I knew you said about some organization for kids, could you write it in English please?

2. 10 天前, 他說他錄了音that I threatened him to take kids with me to China. I don’t remember to say that. It may be because he threatened me to send me back to China. I am not citizen yet, only green card. So once he said that I did go see an immigration lawyer. I am wondering if he uses that against me, what should I do to protect myself?
3. On July 4th 2002, We went to see the fireworks with his friends. I was mad at him about something. I did show my temper. I threw French fry at him. He said his friend would testify for him. Is that very bad to me? (I do want to fight for full custody) is that means I have anger issues? How should I answer it if his attorney asks me?
4. 他的女朋友是他的病人. 這就是他們怎樣認識的。He and she both told me before, but I did not record this. I may want to report him to 衛生局if he keeps pushing me. Should I do it during the divorce process or after divorce? (I really don’t count his support money.) 如果她/他不承認,我應該怎樣證明?
5. Now I already filed divorce, is that too late to transfer some money (I closed life insurance and took the cash out) to our kids college fund? 我仍然不願意與他平分財產。他不配。
I am sorry that I ask you so many questions. I do have an attorney. I just can not find a Chinese divorce attorney in OH. And I can’t afford to lose the case. I really need a second opinion. My attorney thinks I should fight for full custody since她仍然做妓. I have been reading lots of your old post and I think you are very nice and honest man. Would you please give me some advice?
Thank you very much.



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