回複:you are the real 大法盲

本文內容已被 [ theanswer ] 在 2004-02-03 07:43:18 編輯過。如有問題,請報告版主或論壇管理刪除.

What 法居士 said was 根據中國政府對WTO的承諾,五年以後,國際金融市場就可進入中國市場, which means banks in China could conceivably check your credit history overseas and if you had a terrible credit history in the U.S. or Canada, it could have an impact on your creditworthiness in China as well. Also, if you owe a foreign bank a large amount of money and a few years from now that foreign bank has obtained the requisite permit to establish a substantial presence in China, who's to guarantee that you will not cross paths with this bank and it will not track you down for the debt you owe them? WTO is of course highly relevant in this discussion. The real 大法盲 is you.
