回複:Hope this 博士夫婦 had a chance to

回答: 回複:What should I do with a dad like this??hiccup2007-11-30 14:07:41

I knew the lady. She worked for J&J. Very sad story!

This story bring another point: as a wife, a mother, and a daughter, your first and foremost responsiblity is to provide your children safety, health and happiness. Your hu*****and is next in line (I am a hu*****and myself). Of cause you should try to make your father happy. But he comes last.

From your story, you put your father's 'happiness' above all other people. Your children may even be psychologically scarred by your father's action. This is insane! It has to stop.

But avoid confrantation (sp?). Use your brain, not your emotion. Nobody want to see another 博士夫婦
