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1、找出了當年考駕照時路考(road test)滿分(100)的成績單。






2、開始過堂後,法官大人先念警察關於事故的報告,隨後隻問違規者一個問題,即認不認罪。如果當庭認罪就交罰款,或去蹲監獄;不認者,他或她的case就會自動轉到另一個時間處理,即再去fighting ticket。

3、輪到“家有獅子狗”女士的時候,她說她當時既不全認罪,也不否認自己的錯,結果法官大人問她,那你到底來幹嗎?她回報法官大人說:“我是來向您解釋一下車禍的詳細經過,我認為錯並不全在我”。可是當庭法官大小並不買帳,並執意要她回答yes or no,即認還是不認罪?“家有獅子狗”女士說,聽法官大人這麽講,她當時反而來了膽量,隨手就將準備好的材料遞到法官麵前,請他一定要看看。當庭法官隨手翻了翻她捧上的那5-6頁材料,就將材料又推了回來,並讓手下的一個小兵(注:法庭工作人員)將她帶下去協調。


5、協調法官聽完她的陳述後,就將所有材料都copy留了底,然後將她的定罪由moving violation改為break violation,並將罰款額度降低了$40,且還沒有記點。








Deion of Accident

1. Location: intersection of thurstin and E marry road
2. Time: around 9:20am on September 13
3. Deion of accident
1) At the Intersection of Thurstin and E marry Road before Accident

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(1) I did have a full stop on E Marry road before the stop sign more than one minute, and wanted to turn right (to thurstin av.); Least 2 cars were behind me.
(2) My daughter (13 months old)’ knee was bleeding because she fell down when we played on BGSU campus that morning.
(3) Incoming car gave turn right signal and planed to turn on E Merry road, and her speed is 25 mph (limitation of that road is 35 mph).

Because I did not want to block the other traffic and I was hurry to look for a bandage for my daughter, her wrong signal and low speed (those information made me think she was ready to make a right turn) misled me.

THEN I decided to start my car when that car was about 60 feet away the intersection. My speed was only 3-4 mph.

2) Accident happened

(1) Incoming car did not turn right on the E Merry Road. She suddenly went straight on Thurstin ave.
(2) Obviously she saw me before she got the intersection, because she tried to pass me on my left (Her car was on the yellow line when accident happened). Actually she had enough distant to stop her car.
(3) I did not notice she changed her mind to go straight, so I still moved my car to Thurstin ave.
(4) When I found her car, it was too late to stop totally. Two cars scratched then stopped.

3) Results from Accident

(1) Just some paint was scratched both that car and my car. (pictures)
(2) No any person injured in this accident.

4) Some explains

(1) I always drive very carefully, so I have good driving record (no accident record, 100 score on driving test as shown in sheet).

(2) In this accident, the wrong signal let me made a wrong decision.

(3) In order to avoid accident, I tried my best to stop my car. So that was only a scratch, not a big bump, between two cars.

5) Responsibility

I admit I have some responsibility for this accident.

This is the first accident in my life. I hope it is also the last one. And I will drive more carefully in the future.

We are low income family, so the fine of this ticket is really too much to us.

According to my statement, could you please give me a chance to reduce my guilty (cancel this ticket and my point)? I will very appreciate if you do so. Thank you very much!

Sincerely yours,




Thanks for feedback -wxc2008- 給 wxc2008 發送悄悄話 wxc2008 的博客首頁 (0 bytes) () 10/11/2007 postreply 18:58:19

Thanks for sharing. It is very helpful.what means"Deion of Accid -chike- 給 chike 發送悄悄話 (0 bytes) () 10/12/2007 postreply 14:36:43

"Deion of Accid =Deion of Accident,轉帖時出了問題,對不起! -lyon- 給 lyon 發送悄悄話 lyon 的博客首頁 (0 bytes) () 10/12/2007 postreply 16:49:44

回複:"Deion of Accid =事故描述(英文轉帖老出問題)歉意! -lyon- 給 lyon 發送悄悄話 lyon 的博客首頁 (0 bytes) () 10/12/2007 postreply 16:50:34

Thanks! That is great! -chike- 給 chike 發送悄悄話 (0 bytes) () 10/12/2007 postreply 20:28:07
