上個月公司裁員, 我成為犧牲品之一. 部門經理給我的理由是我的 performance 不好. 事實上我去年拿了一個底的 rating 沒有 complain...一是因為中國人的臭優點不和上司做對, 另外我認為公司不想給我BONUS...我老婆沒工作,我隻要有工作就行所以也沒抱怨....
今年我辛勤工作, 到八月了連一個加都沒請, 非常順利的deploy 了一個項目... 可是剛做完, 上級的上級的表揚信還在收著呢, 就被告之我因為工作不努力,公司希望我能自願離職...
公司的"General Release" 書上的 "Individual Separation Allowance Plan" promise 給我30 天去找工作(公司內部或外部), 加七個星期的工資(我為公司工作7年) 另外加$2500 的 retraining cost reimbursment. Agreement上基本上說如果我接受,我就 waive 將來告這個公司的權利.. 這個package是個minimized package, 就是說如果我不是因為表現不好而被請退, 公司得付我14個星期的工資....
現在我找到一個新工作, 但是新公司要做背景調查. 我擔心我的前公司會說我是表現不好才被let go的... 為此問了我的經理... all he could say is "this information is confidential, HR will not release it to the public". 但是我不象以前那麽天真了... 我希望他們能給我一些書麵保證... 我有和我這個經理的 IM screen capture. 但是他畢竟不是HR.
在那個別ISAP 上 有如此話...
"You are advised to consult an attorney before you sign this release"
"In exchange for the sums and benefits received pursuant to the terms of the ..... (your name) agrees to release and hereby does release xxxxxxxx, its subsidiaries and affiliates, and its and their benefits plans, from all cliams demands, actions, or liabilities you may have against xxxxxx, the termination of that employment, or other serverance payments or your eligibility for participation in a xxxxxxxx, or claims for attorney's fees...
You agree that this also release from liabiliby xxxxxx's agents directors, officers, employees, representatives, successors, and assigns (xxxxxxx)...
You also agree that this Release includes, but is not limited to, claims based on theories of contract or torts, ..... This Release covers both claims you know about and thosethat you may not know about which have accured by the time you execute this release."
但是... 這裏還有一句...
"3. This Release does not waive any cliams that you maybe have that arise after the date you sign this Release"...
這東西還說我在簽名後七天有權利 revoke 它...
我都有點不想簽了, 但是我不甘心被這公司又占便宜... 連severance pay都不給...
我是不是真得去請個律師? 我不是很在意錢, 除非要上$2000
我就是怕我沒時間, 因為我下個星期就得開始為新公司工作了....
這裏請教了.... 希望大家幫忙給些 建議.
Urgent advise needed: 公司裁員 + Individual Separation Allowance Pl
回複:Urgent advise needed: 公司裁員 + Individual Separation Allowance
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09/19/2007 postreply
回複:回複:Urgent advise needed: 公司裁員 + Individual Separation Allowa
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09/19/2007 postreply
回複:回複:回複:Urgent advise needed: 公司裁員 + Individual Separation All
(146 bytes)
09/19/2007 postreply
謝謝, 我的MGR幫我問了...確實如此.. thx!
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09/19/2007 postreply