
Your specific jurisdiction may have statutes. Generally speaking, states will be reluctant to criminalize defamations because statutes like this will run into first amendment issues of free speech, because bad words are still protected,

As an individual, you can sue for defamation or false light. Common law treats these as a sort of strict liability so that your burden of proof is less. Most modern statutes will require that you prove some kind of fault or specific damage. On top of these two, you can also attach an intentional infliction of emotional distress tort, which is common for defamation suits. If the derogatory words are towards not you but your product or business, you can also sue for disparagement or interference with contracts.

The problem is, not a whole lot attorneys want to take on defamation cases because the damage would be awarded by the jury is uncertain. Unless you want to pay $300 hourly fee or the attorney is free out of school looking for something to do desparately, you may have to prosecute yourself.
