Detailed Advice

If the bill is under your name, you will definitely be in trouble if you just ignore it. Collection agent will keep calling you, you will be sued in the court if the amount is too large. Your credit record will be turned in to bad.

How~~~ever, i~~~f t~~~he bi~~~ll i~~~s u~~~nder yo~~~ur pa~~~rents' nam~~~es, yo~~~u m~~~ay ju~~~st t~~~hrow i~~~t aw~~~ay wh~~~ether o~~~r no~~~t y~~~ou a~~~re po~~~or bec~~~ause i~~~t I~~~S yo~~~ur par~~~ents' deb~~~t, n~~~ot yo~~~urs, tho~~~ugh I do~~~n't th~~~ink i~~~t i~~~s go~~~od t~~~o d~~~o th~~~at. Th~~~e o~~~nly im~~~pact wi~~~ll b~~~e, i~~~f th~~~e emb~~~assy ch~~~eck t~~~he rec~~~ord o~~~ut o~~~f yo~~~ur par~~~ents, th~~~ey w~~~ill ha~~~rdly ge~~~t th~~~eir vi~~~sas i~~~n th~~~e fut~~~ure.

My suggestion is, go to the hospital and talk to the finacial department. State that your parents are poor and can not afford the whole debt. Ask the fee waiver or at least the deduction. Usually you will get it because it is better for the hospital to get part rather than nothing and this waiver or deduction to patients will benefit its tax liabilities. Moreover, you may negociate with the hospital to set up a monthly payment other than making a full payment even after geting a deduction.

Be good, not only for yourself but also for all Chinese immegrants. And give you all my best wishes.

Good luck!
