Anyone with dents on their car as result of people like your LG would have strong negative feeling for people like your LG. To make a big dent and scratch the paint through is inexcusable. Of course it is your responsibility to pay to repair the damage regardless how much it costs.
Your LG is selfish and selfcentered
• Don't be so mean. -needwait..- ♂ (150 bytes) () 08/19/2007 postreply 08:18:56
• 現在是他們不想 -iceface- ♀ (85 bytes) () 08/19/2007 postreply 11:41:30
• What's mean about it?? her hus has no sense of guilt -jojo1971- ♀ (13 bytes) () 08/19/2007 postreply 13:30:24