如果您在美國有朋友,以書麵授權對方代表您(power of attorney) (網上有這種form的樣本您可以使用), 將所有的您電話開戶與使用的資料寄給您的朋友, 請您的朋友到當地的服務中心來處理. 一般的情況,因為您沒有社會安全號碼,為了保障您的利益,電話公司不可能因為一封傳真或是電話就退還您的押金. 但是有適當的授權,您的朋友可以代表您
有關power of attorney地簡單說明如下
A Power of Attorney is a legal instrument that is used to delegate legal authority to another. The person who signs(executes)a Power of Attorney is called the Principal. The power of Attorney gives legal authority to another person(called an Agent or Attorney-in-Fact) to make property, financial and other legal decisions for the Principal.
A Principal can give an Agent broad legal authority, or very limited authority. The Power of Attorney is frequently used to help in the event of a Principal's illness or disability, or in legal transactions where the principal cannot be present to sign necessary legal documents.